Best personal finance reads from August 2016

Before you put your head down and get ready for the whirlwind autumn season, take some time to give a read to some of the best financial reads published over the last month.

Higher driver fees go into effect in Ontario today

Drivers in Ontario should get ready to fork out a few more dollars to the provincial government to own a car or driver’s licence, because fees are going up.

4 Tips for getting a mortgage pre-approval

Mortgage pre-approvals are a great way to prepare for purchasing a home. Essentially, what a lender is trying to do with the pre-approval process is get a lot of their paperwork out of the way before you find the house of your dreams and want to immediately put in an offer.

Next Tesla Autopilot update addresses safety concerns

Tesla Autopilot is getting some new features soon, including an “abort procedure” that should prevent drivers from misusing the self-driving aspect of their vehicles.

 What to do when you owe more than your car is worth

When taking out a loan to buy a car, there’s usually a point where you owe more on the car than it’s worth, especially if the down payment wasn’t much

Hackers access Eddie Bauer customer data

If you shopped at one of Eddie Bauer’s 360 North American retail locations during the first half of this year, your banking information may have been compromised.

Should you move to a big city for a better job?

A friend was recently telling us how he really wanted to move to Toronto but that he was concerned about the higher cost of living

Ride-sharing is not the future and Uber knows it

Uber has the distinct honour of being the highest evaluated startup in the world and its existence has slowly but surely changed the landscape of the “ride-sharing” business in several ways

How to decide what financial advice to follow

Every now and then, we need help with our finances. In some cases, we feel completely overwhelmed and want good financial advice to provide guidance for the future. While putting your money with a robo-advisor can be a good start for long-term investing, sometimes you want help that is a little more detailed.

Innovative condos bring affordable homes to the GTA

The Building Industry and Land Development (BILD) Association has named the winners of its awards for most innovative condo builders.
